
  • Original Title: Delibal
  • Duration: 108 min
  • Producer & Year: Ay Yapım & 2015
  • Starring:

The story begins as Barış, the hyperactive, talented and clever son of a wealthy family falls in love with Füsun who works at a café in Karaköy. Barış decides that Füsun is the “Love of His Life” and as he finds out that she’s also a student at Bilgi University and tries every way to get her attention. However, Füsun’s priorities in life are quite different. She’s a scholarship student who comes from a middle-income family who has already made her future plans. She will graduate with a high grade and go to the States for her PhD. Barış is the drummer of a band and he plays in a bar during his spare time. Whereas; Füsun prefers to teach English in the cultural center of her neighborhood. Unlike others of her age, she doesn’t care about fooling around and having “fun”. That’s probably why she resists Barış for a long time. But at one point she can no longer avoid his impressive and cute manners and sensitive personality. So their relationship begins. Füsun breaks all her rules with Barış. They both live the love of their lives. Barış has become calm whereas Füsun is full of excitement. Despite her fathers’ objection their big love leads them to a marriage decision. The death of Füsun’s mother brings them even closer and dependent on each other. But the one true threat that stands against their love will be Barış’s psychological disorder that comes from his family’s genes. Although Barış tries to get rid of the disorder that is slowly capturing him, at one point he starts to realize that he’s hurting Füsun. This situation causes another vicious circle and his mind drags him to other delusions. Things will never be the same although he wants to recover and this period will drag him to the foregone conclusion.